I think I'd rather be a cancer conqueror! I am not sold that there really are survivors. I am also not sold that chemotherapy is effective and from what I have been reading and watching it is what causes cancer to come back! Because it is only "proven to shrink tumors", the famous line of the doctors..like a repeating record...it doesn't cure cancer or kill the stem cells. And when the cancer comes back, it comes back even more agressive or resistant.
And these doctors work so fast to give you such a quick deadline that you have no time to research what is the best treatment for you! I was given 6 weeks post op to start treatment, meanwhile I was healing from a 6 hour surgery for 6 weeks!
I don't have any "tumors" left, however, my scan did show 2 nodules on my left lung and also a lymph node under my armpit and a cyst in my nose that lit up. My doctors assure me these have nothing to do with my staging and that is why I am staged at 2b. Now chemo...should turn these lit up areas off once the rounds are done. That's the goal to prove the chemo technically works and "kill any microscopic cells that may be floating thru my body". How do we prove that?
There are 220 different types of cancer and less than 5% of cancer is caused by genetics. Cancer is caused by a gene that mutates. Why are my doctors not trying to find out what caused the gene mutation in the first place?
Was it the pneumonia that saved me? Or did it make a tumor mutate? Will we ever know this answer? Probably not.
I think it saved me.
My tumor was on its last legs at surgery, the pathologist said it was necrotic or dying, and my body fought it so hard that when you touch the tumor, it flakes into powder like. Meaning my body had stopped the blood flow to it, and it was dying. This shows the power of our own bodies! Or maybe I was eating and doing naturally healthy things to even get it to that point!?
I have ordered doTerra frankincense oil and I will be using it mixed in my body Butter daily going forward. I am learning this oil is used to treat inflammation, and cancer, and it crosses the blood brain barrier to help with inflammation of the brain. I will use it like gold going forward, since my doctor said if my cancer would come back it would come back in my blood or brain. Let's kill it naturally before it ever has a chance.
We used their OnGuard oil on our daughter's feet in the winter months to ensure she would not get sick. I am now using it during chemo on my body as well at night to help keep my body healthy as well.
We also use a breathe blend in our diffuser nightly for her and I in our bedrooms.
I am hoping and praying that I can only give my daughter a healthy life from the get go with organic foods, healthy foods, and essential oils.
I'm so glad you found essential oils!! Research taking Frank internally too, pubmed.gov is a great starting point. I personally use Young Living's, which is grown in it's native country of Yemen. It's a pretty amazing oil! I was thinking of you the other day when you mentioned cleaning, YL has a chemical free cleaning product, Thieves Household Cleaner, that I absolutely LOVE. I'd be happy to buy you a bottle and ship it to you if you'll use it. I use it on EVERYTHING, I literally have 1 spray bottle to use on every surface. Let me know if you're interested. I pray all this research and decision making is clear to you.