Sunday, September 11, 2016

It's raw. Unedited and pretty much no fucks are given.

I was thinking about my blog...People can choose to read or not read . Their choice. It's raw. Unedited and pretty much no fucks are given.

That's why this is titled that.
This is my journal , my way to release this bipolar roller-coaster of a horrible disease called cancer.

And most of my friends think this is a great way to vent off the biggest bitch slap you will ever have in your entire life!

I wish I could say...I just went on a drugged out binge of drugs and alcohol, and then went to a nice celebrity detox center for a week where I had a nurse inject me with fun drugs and I came out of rehab better than new.

Except this story is the opposite. I didn't have fun getting injected with metal poisoning at my infusion parlor last Tuesday,  nor did I enjoy the 5 days of survival from it. Instead I just had the worst 5 days of bitch slap, checked out for 2 of them in bed all day and I gotta do 3 more rounds of these?!!!
And who signed me up for this bipolar roller-coaster called cancer anyways?!

This is not my time to be superwoman.  So I'm not going to be.

But my husband just took me to ice cream. I ate 1/3 of it...and it was nice and cold and I could taste it!
The little things that make the most of your day.

1 comment:

  1. ...and I wouldn't ask you to be any other way. Your husband is sweet to take you for ice cream and YES you will once again hike with the baby on your back. You're tough Shellie. Stay Strong.
