Went to acupuncture. Had a protein (pea protein from a company called Beaming in California ) shake and oatmeal before I went. Was hard to drive. Had to drive 20 miles rt for my appt. Brain isn't functioning right yet to drive that far.
She gave me 40 mins with needles in so a little longer time than normal. Did some sliding cupping to get some blood flowing.
I truly think this is the only thing helping move the toxins out of my body! Next round I will step up more acupuncture and do back to back sessions the 2 days post chemo day.
She told me I need to drink green juice today at some point ....I will try my best.
Got jimmy johns sandwich on way home. Ordered extra meat on it for protein. Ate half a sandwich and a bag of chips with some coke. Seems like the flat coke helps settle the stomach and maybe the caffeine too for my head clarity.
Remember when you were in college and had your worst hangover...you always wanted a coke!
Just folded laundry and put away the dishes. Thats more than I have done in 5 days!
Things are still very bright or smell to me.
And today my knee joints hurt bad. Standing to do the laundry folding hurt my knees I had to rest.
Opening up the umbrellas on my deck took so much effort for my muscles and even got my heart rate up. Is this what MS feels like? It's horrible!
I told my husband I am going to have to get stretching on my Pilates machine to keep the blood flow in my legs. Once I am close to being "normal" as before this treatment began, I am going to have to work up my muscles before round 2 in order to keep strength for depletion again.
The positive: I have not taken any nausea meds since last night at 8pm.
I am learning day by day by documenting my side effects thru this blog on how I can use this as a reference for my next round. And what to expect.
I.e. adding more acupuncture, allowing my brain to "check out off the grid" and just sleep for 2 days. Know that I can ask for help, and use my friends as resources.
I have not thrown up, or had any negative bowel movements. That says I am retaining the little bit I am eating or drinking!
I am tasting salt and sweet today. Temperatures are still a little off on foods or drinks.
And I am not running as hot as the past few days, so my body is ridding this toxin.
We know to have stock piles of pedialyte and pedialyte popsicles.
I still can't believe I was hiking with a 27 lb. Baby on my back in Alaska a week ago. Today...I can barely lift her.
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