Monday, September 12, 2016

Day 6 post chemo round 1

Today I woke like a zombie. I had the absolute worst heartburn last night and couldn't sleep. Took a xanax to pass out at about midnight. Texted with my cousin last night for about an hour because all I could think about was I was going to be paralyzed from the chemo. My legs hurt and I couldn't know those commercials that talk about restless leg syndrome?  Well that's how I felt . And my feet were ice so I put some socks on and warming my legs seemed to fade into numbness.
I was so worried I was not going to be able to walk after this is over or have permanent Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Once again this is just a side effect to this horrible chemo drug.
It always seems to be at night when your brain kicks in thinking the worst, especially when you can't sleep.
Just one time...Can't the sandman take me away?

Today has been a much better day than all the rest. My cousin Emily came over to help play with Aubrey so I could sit and stare and laugh at them. She made a great protein drink for me, added egg whites and also fresh e3live seaweed. It is high in antioxidants.  My daughter and I drank it up! Added some blueberries and some bananas to help my muscle pain.

I learned about this seaweed from a friend of mine who I work with. She owns a juice shop in California and said it will help me thru this process and beyond.

I also gave myself a B12 shot and I took all my b12 and tumeric vitamins today. Along with my other daily supplements  vit c, d, and prenatal gummy.

By lunch time I was eating a little sandwich . Not a lot, but just enough protein.  Protein is the key can only burn what you take in and muscles repair with protein.

My legs feel more like jello legs today. Definitely not as painful as yesterday so I know now not to freak out about being paralyzed.
And once I got my B12 kicking in, I could shower. Today's shower felt better, it was actually refreshing. The shower I took 2 days ago I couldn't even stand up for. I sat on the floor of the shower. Washing my hair doesn't feel good right now. It feels creepy.  I feel like I sound like a wacko right now writing this, but that just tells you how fucked up this medicine really is!

Once Emily left I had enough energy to put dishes away and I also vacuumed the house! My legs being jello didn't help but once I was done I had to rest.  It was like doing a 500 foot hill climb. I didn't want to exert all my energy so I'm now laying down while the toddler takes her nap!

I feel like an 80 year old!
But I successfully accomplished 2 house chores this afternoon!
It can only get better!

1 comment:

  1. Shellie, you are amazing. We honestly put you in our prayers ever night before dinner. Your blog is very inspirational. I wish nothing but the best for you. I know you will get through this like a champion. Keep your head held high. You are unbelievably strong. And I want one of those tshirts!! Lol. Keep fighting,you've got this. Best of luck and continuous prayers being sent your way ❤
