Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Day 8. What a difference!

Wow what a difference today is. I feel like a normal person today!
Last night was bad,the fluids helped for about 4 hours but then I felt nausea again. I took tramadol for the leg pain and also tylenol for headache and xanax for the nausea and went to bed. Slept great!
Woke a new person.
I have done all my house chores, drank an instant breakfast, coffee , made blueberry pancakes and poached eggs with avacado for both me and daughter. And I even did 2 loads of laundry!
I still get dizzy  and have a minor headache and of course tired easily but I don't have the leg pain like I have had for the past 4 days and I actually feel like going for a walk later. We will see. I think I will rest my brain during naptime. I think I could drive a car today! Maybe even go out for dinner?!!!! Hubs might like that!

Last night I was thinking, maybe it is the alkaline water I have been drinking? It's pH 9.5. So I am going to drink just filtered tap water from my fridge all day today and see if it helps any. Maybe the pH is too high for my body with all the metal poison in it.

I definitely won't be needing fluids today, so my nurse Brenda will be happy to hear that when she calls to tell me blood results from yesterday's electrolytes.

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