Thursday, September 8, 2016

Day 2 post Chemo round 1

Today my brain hurts and I am still swollen.  I am drinking an egg white and orange juice drink referred to me by a friends doula to give me some protein and flush this swelling out.
Last night was bad, I felt like I was on a small fishing boat in the middle of the ocean with 5 foot waves slamming me. I found my sea bands, and have those on for acupressure on my wrists.
Its hard to sleep, it's like insomnia but brain pain.  I can sleep in 2 to 3 hour shifts, and then I wake up too dizzy and walk into the walls! I would wake up and I could feel this poison going thru my body.  Like you have creepy bugs crawling in your blood swimming around inside you.  I feel it the most in my brain and in my feet and hands.

The anti nausea pills don't last long enough.  It was a chore to take a shower today.  I am thinking about all the things I need to get done and can't.  I'm too dizzy to even drive a car!

I have acupuncture this afternoon and hope that will help move the chi into a better place.

Acupuncture made me pee a lot right after treatment.  I couldn't fall asleep but I could feel the chi good!
Ate half Jimmy Johns sandwich and some ice tea after. Then a few french fries. Hey I want to eat healthy but right now gotta take what you can eat and handle hour by hour , day by day.

This feels like your absolute worst hangover added onto your worst morning sickness day in your 1st trimester and then multiplied by 20. Everything smells or tastes gross, the lights and sun are bright, the sounds are loud.

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